Prime Video has confirmed that The Mehta Boys, Boman Irani’s directorial debut, will premiere on February 7. Co-written by Irani and Oscar-winning writer Alexander Dinelaris, the film focuses on the complicated yet relatable bond between a father and son. Produced under Irani Movietone LLP and Chalkboard Entertainment LLP, the movie stars Boman Irani, Avinash Tiwary, Shreya Chaudhry, and Puja Sarup. It will be available worldwide in multiple languages with dubs and subtitles.
The story follows a father and son who are forced to spend 48 hours together despite their differences. This shared time challenges them both, sparking moments of confrontation, growth, and reconciliation. The film has already garnered critical acclaim, winning Best Feature Film at the Chicago South Asian Film Festival and earning Irani the Best Actor award at the Toronto South Asian Film Festival. It was also screened at IFFI Goa and opened the Indian Film Festival Berlin.
Boman Irani said directing this film was an emotional and rewarding journey. He explained that the parent-child relationship is something he’s always been drawn to because of how real and raw it can be. With the help of Alexander Dinelaris and a talented cast, Irani felt he could bring this heartfelt story to life. He’s excited for audiences to experience what he calls a labor of love.
Nikhil Madhok, Head of Originals at Prime Video India, described The Mehta Boys as a beautifully made film that captures the ups and downs of family relationships. He commended Boman Irani for bringing a fresh and relatable perspective to the story and said the film fits perfectly with Prime Video’s goal of sharing meaningful stories with viewers around the world.
See Also: Boman Irani’s The Mehta Boys felicitated at IFFSA Toronto 2024