Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s hit film Padmaavat starring Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor among others will come back to the silver screen on February 6. The film completed 7 years recently.
The film is based on a poem titled Padmavat by Malik Muhammad Jayasi and it narrates the story of Rani Padmavati’s defiance against Sultan Alauddin Khilji. The story goes that the queen and her companions committed Jauhar (self-immolation) to protect their honour after Chittor was captured by Khilji. In the film, Deepika perfectly portrayed the fierce queen and her unyielding courage. The stellar acting of the cast, the spectacular visuals and set design and the unmatched music of the film makes it one of the director’s best works and a memorable film of Bollywood.
Ahead of Padmaavat’s theatrical re-release, we take you through some unmissable behind-the-scenes stills from the film. Take a look: