Actor Kichcha Sudeep has turned down the Karnataka State Film Award for Best Actor. He earned it for his 2019 film Pailwaan. Sharing his views on social media, the actor wrote, “Respected Government of Karnataka and Members of the Jury, it is truly a privilege to have received the state award under the best actor category, and I extend my heartfelt thanks to the respected jury for this honour. However, I must express that I have chosen to stop receiving awards for several years now, a decision made for various personal reasons that I intend to uphold.”
Respected Government of Karnataka and Members of the Jury,
It is truly a privilege to have received the state award under the best actor category, and I extend my heartfelt thanks to the respected jury for this honor. However, I must express that I have chosen to stop receiving…
— Kiccha Sudeepa (@KicchaSudeep) January 23, 2025
He added that there are many deserving actors who have poured their hearts into their craft and would appreciate this prestigious recognition far more than him.
“It will only make me happier to see one of them receiving it. My dedication to entertaining people has always been without the expectation of awards, and this acknowledgement from the jury alone serves as a significant boost for me to continue striving for excellence.” He acknowledged the recognition and apologised to the jury and the state government.
The Kerala State Government Awards were delayed by five years due to the pandemic.