Bollywood star Salman Khan rang in his birthday last month in Jamnagar with his close friends and family members. Now, an unseen photo from the party has emerged, featuring the guests.
And the highlight of the photo is none other than the actor’s rumoured lady love, Iulia Vantur. She can be seen standing close to Khan with both her hands on his shoulders. The group posed by the pool.
Salman Khan celebrated his birthday at his sister Arpita Khan’s residence following which he jetted off to Jamnagar. Prior to this, he had joined Iulia for her father’s birthday.
Salman Khan birthday celebration in Jamnagar #SalmanKhan #Birthday
— $@M (@SAMTHEBESTEST_) December 28, 2024
Meanwhile, on the work front, Salman Khan recently made a cameo in Varun Dhawan’s film, Baby John. He is now gearing up for the release of Sikandar. The film also stars Kajal Aggarwal, Suneil Shetty, Rashmika Mandanna and Sathyaraj among others.