On the 39th birth anniversary of the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, his sister Shweta Singh Kirti paid tribute to him with a heartfelt post on Instagram. She shared a video montage showcasing his moments from various events, interactions with fans, and his love for nature. Calling him a “Star, Dreamer, and Legend,” Shweta celebrated Sushant’s light and described him as a seeker and thinker filled with curiosity and love.
Producer Ekta Kapoor also remembered Sushant with a throwback video from their popular 2009 TV show Pavitra Rishta. She shared a heartfelt message, reminiscing about the nostalgia and emotions tied to his work and wished him a happy birthday, expressing love and admiration for him.
See Also: Late Sushant Singh Rajput’s Best Family Moments
Sushant Singh Rajput tragically passed away on June 14, 2020, at his Mumbai residence.